Jerusalem New City Tour
Join Zach Shavin, veteran guide and archaeologist, for a day exploring major sites and neighborhoods in New Jerusalem. Learn about local traditions, stories, and famous personages as we delve into Jerusalem’s history from Bible times to present. Our tour begins with the panoramic view of Jerusalem from the very spot where Abraham first beheld Mount Moriah with his son Isaac. Then on the huge outdoor scale model of Jerusalem as it looked 2000 years ago, at the time of Christ, famed Dead Scrolls – oldest manuscripts of the Bible in existence, Israel Museum, stain glass Chagall Windows depicting the Twelve Tribes of Israel, Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum and Children’s Memorial, outdoor Mahane Yehuda market, Knesset and Great Menorah, historical neighborhoods of Jerusalem.
Tour highlights…
• Abraham’s panorama
• Scale model of 2nd Temple Jerusalem
• Israel Museum & Dead Sea Scrolls
• Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum
• Chagall Windows depicting 12 tribes
• Knesset: Israel’s parliament
• Mahane Yehuda colorful market
• Great Menorah depicting bible events
• Historic neighborhoods
Contact Zach Shavin
For more information about Zack Shavin’s Private Guide tours of Israel & the Holy Land please contact Zack, lead guide & biblical archaeologist at Land of Israel Tours. For recommendations see Testimonials. You can also read About Zack.