Safed, Banias, & Golan Tour

Tour of Safed, Banias, & Golan

Golan Heights: Nimrod castle

Golan: Nimrod castle

Join Zack Shavin, veteran guide and archaeologist, for a day of touring in northern Galilee: Old Safed, synagogues, artist quarter, and stories of the rabbis  that brought the kabbalah here from Spain in the 16th century following the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492. Continue north via the Hula Valley, Tel Hazor, biblical Dan (Jeroboam erected the golden calf), and the Banias springs, source of the Jordan river  and site of Caesarea Philippi, where Simon received the name Peter. Continue up to the Golan Heights, volcanoes, battlegrounds from the 1967 Six Day War and 1973 Yom Kippur War. End  with a visit to the famous Golan Winery (time permitting).

Roman city of Caesaria Philippi & source of the Jordan

Banias source of the Jordan

Safed, Banias, & Golan tour highlights…
• Drive into Upper Galilee
• Safed synagogues, kabbalah, & artists qtr.
• Hazor: Jabin sent Sisera’s chariots vs. Israel
• Dan: Jeroboam erects Golden Calf
• Banias, source of the Jordan River
• Caesarea Philippi: Simon becomes Peter
• Golan Heights volcanoes
• Six Day & Yom Kippur War battlefields
• Golan winery at Katzrin

Abuhov synagogue Safed

Safed synagogue

Contact Zack Shavin
For more information about Zack Shavin’s Private Guide tours of Israel & the Holy Land please contact Zack, lead guide & biblical archaeologist at Land Of Israel Tours. For recommendations see Testimonials. You can also read About Zack.